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Local testimonies

And they have conquered him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, for they loved not their lives even unto death.
Revelation 12:11

Over the past 20 years, the Journey has helped countless men and women across the globe get to know our Savior and step into their true identity as sons and daughters of the King of Kings. Opening ourselves up to the transforming power of His Word and His Spirit ushers in healing, restoration and brand new realities for individuals, families and communities. Below you will find the stories of just a small sampling of local people whose lives were forever changed by their encounter with Jesus Christ through the Influencers Journey.

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Austin Swindoll-Thompson - Testimonial - The Journey

Austin Swindoll-Thompson - Testimonial - The Journey

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Susan Laker - Testimonial - The Journey

Susan Laker - Testimonial - The Journey

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Marilyn Cravens - Testimonial - The Journey

Marilyn Cravens - Testimonial - The Journey

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