About OUR
Abiding in Christ.
Transforming lives.
Making Disciples.
“If a man abides in Me and I in him, he will bear much fruit.”
– Jesus, John 15

Who We Are
At its core, the Influencers is a ministry which guides individuals into an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ. This is accomplished in a small-group setting called a Journey Group. Participants meet for a 9-month period with a group of believers who share the same heart to go deeper in their relationship with Christ.
As they begin to understand and participate in this process of abiding, true life transformation begins to take place. These individuals become Influencers to their world, which means marriages, children, businesses, and communities are impacted.
The Journey
The Journey is a 9-month process, where believers
Meet together regularly for encouragement, discussion and sharing.
Become self-feeders on God’s Word through individual assignments and disciplines, like Journaling.
Grow in understanding their identity in Christ, His desire for intimacy with His children, what it means to Abide in Christ, Who the Holy Spirit is and how He empowers us with spiritual gifts.
Understand how to have a stronger, more meaningful prayer life.
Discover their place in God’s Kingdom as they begin to be Influencers for Christ, first at home, and then, to their world (their neighborhood, their church, their workplace.)

Becoming an Influencer for Christ
The Journey was first used with men in the marketplace, but through the years, has expanded to churches, to women’s groups, couple’s groups and has been used in prisons and jails, as well. In our 20-year history, we have been eyewitnesses to amazing life transformation which has resulted in a positive impact on marriages, families, communities, cities.
Women's Journey Groups
Influencers began as a ministry to “men in the marketplace.” However, as God began transforming men through The Journey, wives started to take notice. Women started reading some of our books and inquiring about using our curriculum. As women started using The Journey, even though it had some masculine references, they, too, became captivated by the message of Abiding with Christ. Women’s Journey Groups have started in Northwest Arkansas, Tulsa, Bakersfield, Central Coast California and Memphis. In every city where we have men, women are also interested in going through The Journey. This ministry to women has become so powerful that we now have a branch of Influencers called “Influencers Women.”